Guy.Cotton at, LSD (Guy.Cotton at wrote:
: Gamma rays and sterilisation (B)
: --------------------------------
: I'm a dental surgeon and I send again this mail.
: I hope I will receive more answers and more precisions.
: I want to ask to the Specialists some questions:
: are the Gamma rays sterilize all the bacteriae and viruses ?
: One application is the Gamma's use for dental implants
: who are inserted in the maxillary bones. Do you think that
: Gamma rays will give all securities about sterilization?
: Wich dose will be like the best ?
: And this dose during how many time ?
: I hope you will give fundamental answers and
: all references as possible who will confirm the
: real effects of the Gamma rays.
: Please, answer on my private E-mail,
: undermentioned.
: Thank you very much and have a good day!
: Guy Cotton, LSD. (from Liege, in Belgium)
: Any question or suggestion or opinion
: will be appreciated on the SMTP
: <Guy.Cotton at>
A collaboratoe said to me that you need 75 Joule/cm2, but for more
precisions call societies which are saling sterilised material for research
lab as: Falcon, Nunc, Costar and so on...
Gamma rys can kill all bacteria and viruses.