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ProMED-mail, the list for emerging diseases

Jack Woodall jack.woodall at wadsworth.org
Tue Oct 22 16:53:09 EST 1996

A project of the Federation of American Scientists
Network operated by HealthNet/SatelLife of Boston, Mass.

ProMED (the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases) was begun in 1993 by
FAS (the Federation of American Scientists).

A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership among
scientists concerned with emerging infectious diseases in all parts of the
world; building the appropriate networks to encourage communicating and
sharing information is a key objective. Reporting of incidents or outbreaks,
infectious disease problems of emerging interest, and discussions on how to
improve surveillance and response capabilities (including needs at the local
level) are especially encouraged.

ProMED invites and welcomes the participation of all interested colleagues in
the ProMED-mail electronic conference, which is moderated.

To subscribe -- it's FREE -- send e-mail to:

        majordomo at usa.healthnet.org

Leave the Subject line blank (or put anything you like there), and write

        subscribe promed

in the text space.  You will receive an automatic reply with information on
how to access past files.  From then on, you will receive the messages
posted to the ProMED-mail conference as they are received, and can post messages
to the network.

If you prefer to receive a digest of several messages together, instead of
multiple daily messages, make that message

        subscribe promed-digest

If you prefer to receive only messages referring to zoonoses and animal
diseases, make that message

        subscribe promed-ahead

You can cancel these at any time by sending:

        unsubscribe promed            or
        unsubscribe promed-digest     or
        unsubscribe promed-ahead

We welcome your participation in ProMED-mail, and invite your support of
mission to develop and promote effective early warning systems for emerging

For further information on ProMED:         For questions on the ProMED-mail
                                           electronic network:
Dr. Stephen S. Morse                       Dr. Jack Woodall
Chair, FAS ProMED                          Director, FAS ProMED-mail
Columbia University                        NYS Department of Health
New York, NY                               Albany, NY 12201
E-mail: morse at rockvax.rockefeller.edu      E-mail: woodall at wadsworth.org


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