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graduate student fellowship

Bruce S. Seal bseal at asrr.arsusda.gov
Thu Apr 3 14:27:48 EST 1997

I have funding for a graduate research fellowship through the Departments 
of Medical Microbiology and Avian Medicine in the College of Veterinary 
Medicine at the University of Georgia for two years; MS level or entry 
PhD.  The project involves use of subtraction hybridization and phage 
display to identify putative agents associated with poult enteritis 
mortality syndrome of turkeys.

The student must apply and be accepted to the graduate program through 
the Department of Medical Microbiology at UGA.  Information regarding the 
graduate program can be obtained at 706-542-1739.  Program information in 
the Department of Medical Microbiology can be obtained at 706-542-3473.

Bruce S. Seal, PhD
Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, ARS, USDA
934 College Station Rd.
Athens, GA  30605
706-546-3463 or -3434 (ph) -3161 (fax)
bseal at asrr.arsusda.gov (Email)

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