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Richard Thompson No.reply at lois.zippo.com
Fri Apr 4 18:34:45 EST 1997

In article <5hu47j$16j at net.bio.net>, pika at gulf.net says...
>doing a massive report (for school) on the evolution of viruses and their
>buildup to immunity on certain antibiotics (VRE, MRSA) and have tried
>searching the web.  got lots of hits but none specifically on that topic. 
>do you know of any good starting places?  i appreciate any help you, or
>anyone else, can give.  thanks :)

For one thing antibiotics do not work against viruses. Many fine books have 
been written on the evolution of viruses.  A good place to start learning about 
viruses on the WEB is http://www.tulane.edu/~dmsander/garryfavweb.html

This is the "All the virology on the Web" page.  It doesn't have all the 
virology links, but they make a very impressive try!

Good luck

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