Hi, I'm a freshman in high school who's stuck taking a really stupid and
pointless class. BUT we have to research a career form this class; I chose
virologist. (I love Ebola and the like...my biology teacher says I'm the
resident virologist and calls me Dr. Ed. We just finished our
virus/bacteria/immune system unit and he had me help him.) Unfortunately,
the answers I need are no where to be found. If anyone can help me out,
I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! (I have a sketchy idea on a bunch of
these; I starred those for which I have nothing.)
1. Job description
A. Typical Day
B. Working conditions
C. Related Occupations
D. Service/product provided
E. Duties and responsibilities
2. Training and Advancement
**A. Relevant high school courses.
**B. Higher education necessary
C. Best schools for necessary education
**D. Skills necessary/developed for this career
3. Earnings and benefits
**A. Starting salary
**B. Advancement opportunities
**C. Salary limits
**D. Perks and benifits
(I have those from the CDC website)
**E. Pension/retirement benifits
4. Job avalibility
**A. Number of people with the job
**B. Job outlook
C. Best geographic location for opportunity
Thank you so much!
* Emily/Em/Ed *
* *
* tdeal at Bayou.UH.EDU *