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Nanda Somarajan somarank at SLU.EDU
Mon Apr 21 10:49:55 EST 1997

	If you want some information about Ebola, you should check out my 
Ebola Information Headquarters at
It has links to many places that provide information about Ebola, such as 
the World Health Orgainization, the Centers for Disease Control..  Also 
check out the following pages

1. http://outcast.gene.com/ae/WN/NM/interview_murphy.html
	It is a interview with Dr. Frederick A. Murphy, who was the first 
	person to view a Ebola virus.  His picture of ebola is very famous.
2. http://ichiban.objarts.com/ebola/musoke.html
	It is an interview with Dr. Sheth Musoke.  He was a doctor in 
Zaire who actually caught the disease, but survived it.(You might have 
some problem.  Their server seems to be down.)

Nanda Somarajan
somarank at slu.edu
somarank at hotmail.com


On Thu, 17 Apr 1997 TMentele at aol.com wrote:

> Hello---
>                  I am writing, asking for any information you may have on the
> Ebola Virus.  I am doing a research paper on Ebola, and could use any
> information that you may have.  I need many primary sources so if you could
> help me at all or know of anyone with information it would help a lot.  If it
> would be easier for me to call you, please write me back and give me a number
> where I could reach you at.
>                                            Thank you for your time,
>                                                   Jenna Mentele/LPGE High
> School

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