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RNase H (fwd)

Thu Apr 24 10:54:44 EST 1997

This was originally posted to HIV-biol, but I got no reply ... anyone here??

>One of those things that apparently slips by when an area of
>research (albeit huge) is somewhat afield of one's own area...
>That's the only way I can rationalize the newfound (to ME)
>concept of RNase H being responsible for removing the rna
>after the reverse transcriptase has had its fun, as has now
>been pointed out to me in a couple of very general references.
>The problem is that the references are _very_ general, and the
>putative action of RNase H in this capacity was referred to
>only in figures, as an aside, and not discussed explicitly.
>It makes sense that such a ubiquitous enzyme should interact
>with an RNA/DNA hybrid, but I'd like to know more.....
>Is RNase H actually involved in the infection process or is
>this another function of the multi-talented RT?  Can anyone
>refer me to a good discussion of this topic??  Please respond
>directly to me, as I am not a subscriber to HIV-biol (or virology).
>thanks 10^6!

|                             O==O                            |
| DAVID G. RHODES             O==O  PHONE 860-486-5413        |
| SCHOOL OF PHARMACY; U-92    O==O  FAX   860-486-4998        |
| UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT   O==O                            |
| STORRS, CT  06269-2092      O==O  RHODES at UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU  |
|                             O==O                            |

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