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Bio-career Discussion Forum

Dave Jensen davej at sedona.net
Mon May 12 10:58:06 EST 1997

A new, non-commercial career discussion forum is available for your
browsing and posting interests. No commercial posts or spam are allowed on
this news forum, and it is entirely moderated so as to make it 100% worthy
of your contribution.

There are hundreds of posts on dozens of topics of interest to anyone in
the sciences. If you'd like, post your questions and find dozens of other
people who may have had similar experiences and who you can network with or
get some advice from. Already, networking subgroups have sprouted from the
biotechnology section of this career discussion forum.

Here are some topics JUST FROM THE LAST WEEK, and we have hundreds of
archived posts:

Career change to CRA 

Should you mention your advisor as a reference ? 

Best MBA for biotech

Liberal Arts Positions? 

Scientist salaries?

Temporary Placement Firms, any good?

Multiple job offers, maybe?

Salary trends 

Keeping the interview alive...

One worried soon to be graduate.

Changing jobs/employers 

Join our career discussion forum at http://cns.bio.com/hr/forum/


Dave Jensen, Moderator

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