I am a new subscriber, and just read
>Are prions alive? Have your own say:
Thats a good one, but then doesn't the question always get raised as
"are viruses alive? " - I've been discussing it since high school (+20
yrs) and styill have not reached a conclusion.
This is much more a long term topicv that probably has been discussed
to ad nauseum.
I have a good question;;; with all the good interntional design of
using herpesvirusesas gene therapy vectors, who in their right mind
(we are talking the ununformed public here) would volunteer for trials
should herpesviruses ever get to the point for gene therapy in vivo?
Kind of like who is going to volunteer for the new HIV gene therapy
vectors.... am I just being nieve, or is this problem simply ignored
by researchers and grant reviewers?
the kipster