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The worst imaginable biotech nightmare?

Jeff Gerke jgerke at airmail.net
Thu Oct 30 17:10:31 EST 1997

>>This post is somewhat off-topic, but I thought I'd allow it anyway. 
Nevertheless I don't encourage a discussion on this topic here and request that 
responses to this post be directed to the original poster.

Marnix Bosch
bionet.virology moderator<<

I am writing a novel involving genetic engineering. What, in the
opinion of readers of this newsgroup, would be the worst possible
thing that could be engineered with this technology? 

I am not an anti-genetics person, by the way, I'm just looking for a
good "or else" scenario for my novel.

What would it be? Making HIV airborne? Hybrid animals/humans? What
would be the worst you could imagine?

Thanks for your help.


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