I have a really good book called 'The Scientific Lady- A social history
of Womens Scientific interests 1520-1918' by Patricia Phillips.
It's published by Wiedenfield and Nicolson Ltd in the UK and the ISBN
number is 0 297 82043 5
It really only covers Britain and Europe but its a good read tho
somewhat heavy going.
I'm posting this on the net as I suspect that there are other people
out there who might be interested in it too.
As everyone else is starting to introduce themselves I will as well.
I'm a postdoc at Nottingham University UK in the rather awkward position
of being industrially funded which means the nuts and bolts of my work
is confidential. Generally speaking tho I'm a molecular biologist.
My PhD and first post doc were on Cytochrome P450- expressing in yeast and
that sort of stuff.
I'm married and have one baby daughter-8months.
I'm also in the slightly unusual position (Ithink :) of being my families
main breadwinner as I am better qualified and earn more than my husband.
This means he tends to follow me and my jobs around the country!!
Fortuneatly he's quite positive and not at all threatened by this.
He's also one of these people who doesn't mind sharing the housework.
I'd be interested to know if theres anyone out there in my position
ie am I unusual??? also does anyone else in the UK read this newsgroup??
I've felt alot less isolated as a woman scientist since I discovered it.
Cheers everyone
Frankie Bligh
Biochemistry Dept
Queens Medical Centre
Nottingham University