[feeling a little odd at the concept of introducing myself to the world
through my cantankerous computer]
Hi. I've been lurking on this group since it appeared on the net and
feel that it is time to stop hiding behind the techno-idiot barrier and
take THE STEP.
My name is Tish Silberbauer, I'm a PhD student in ecology/sociobiology
at LaTrobe Uni, Melbourne, Australia. I'm approaching the end of my time of
grace as a student and am finally having to face the thought of taking another
step into the [relatively] unknown once I do finish. 8^) I guess that
applying for postdocs will be another of those "learning/life experiences" and,
quite honestly, not something I'm particularly looking forward to. I seem to
have been particularly lucky to have avoided any obstructions arising from my
gender, thus far, and can only hope that it will continue.
I've been paying attention to all the recent talk (type??) regarding
careers and babies and would like to express my thanks to the
folks who have enlightened me through re-telling of their experiences.
cheers and a smile, tish