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girls & science

Ayeda Ayed ayed at ccu.umanitoba.ca
Tue Jan 19 21:06:51 EST 1993

In <C12uyy.G7p at mentor.cc.purdue.edu> xth at mace.cc.purdue.edu (Beth Singer) writes:

  When did you all decide to become scientists,
>or Biologists or whatever.

Well, I became interested in science at a very early age, mostly because I
enjoyed reading my science text books.  I think going on trips with my
family (outdoors stuff) also contributed to my interest (I used to collect
rocks plants and bugs and do "experiments").  Neither of my parents were
educated to post secondary level so I believe the influence was from
school and TV, although my mother always bought me (and my sister) toys
that are typically bought for males - and  I'm not sure if that had any effect
(BTW, my sister is also a scientist).


Ayeda Ayed                             

The University of Manitoba
Chemistry Department
ayed at ccu.umanitoba.ca


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