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girls & education

Marina Sonia Baric marina at tasman.cc.utas.edu.au
Wed Jan 20 20:03:47 EST 1993

re: why women end up in science courses:
I am a computer scientist who ended up majoring in maths and computing at uni.
I think that kids become interested in certain subjects when they are 
very young, round about 5 years of age. There's a saying about "give me a child
until the age of  7 and I'll have him for life" - has anyone  seen the British
"35 up" series?

I think your parents attitude to school is very important, my parents both
came from a small European village where education was a privilege and I
always thought school was a lot of fun, and  important and got great
encouragement from my parents, particularly in maths.

I was an only child and I went to an all girls state school until I was 15, 
(free) - we were never told that we couldn't do something that a male could do.

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