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pc language

PQQ at psuvm.psu.edu PQQ at psuvm.psu.edu
Tue Jan 26 21:09:27 EST 1993

How can using a plural pronoun to refer to a singular noun
be correct?  This is really torture on the language and makes the
reader think that the author really has no command of what is
being written.  While I agree that using the male pronoun carries
some gender weight that might be misperceived, why not simply recast
a sentence that is problematic?  If our goal is to use accurate, gender
neutral (i.e., unbiased) writing, we should learn to write that way.
I say he and she have precise meanings and should not be used when
they refer to gender-neutral nouns (e.g., scientist).  Writing in this
way can be both grammatically and politically correct.  Writing that
requires abandoning the precision of the language isn't politically
incorrect, it's just sloppy.

Dick Pratt BITNET:pqq at psuvm  INTERNET: pqq at psuvm.psu.edu
7 Ferguson Bldg.
Penn State
University Park, PA  16802   814/865-6942

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