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Lena Ting ting at roses
Thu Jun 23 13:14:06 EST 1994


I am a grad student in biomechanical engineering at Stanford, and we
have a number of female grad students in the program.  In fact, think
we outnumber the males, especially at the Ph.D. level.  

The title of your research didn't really give me an idea of what kind
of information you are looking for, though.  Are you interested in the
specific contributions of women to bioengineering?  Or, the
"experience" of women in bioengineering compared to other more
traditional engineering fields?  It has been my experience that there
have been more women in bioengineering programs that I've known about
compared to the percentage of women in typical engineering programs.
However, as in all of engineering, women are just now making waves.
Also, in writing your paper, you must remember that bioengineering is a
vast field, intersecting with all fields of engineering and biology.

What about women in bioengineering would you like to know?  I suggest
you contact the few women faculty at the few bioengineering programs
that exist in the country. And, if you'd like some input from grad
students, feel free to email me!

Lena Ting
ting at roses.stanford.edu

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