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careers issue of science

Anne Rosenwald arosen at HELIX.NIH.GOV
Fri Oct 14 06:12:08 EST 1994

I was also angered by the negative tone of the whole section on postdocs, and
not only because so few women were represented.  This whole thing took on
a personal resonation with me, since I'm in the same situation.  After 6
years of graduate school, 2 good postdocs, I find I'm unmarketable (at least
in the Balto/Wash area).  Can't teach--have no teaching experience; can't
work for industry--no industrial experience; can't do academic research--
no grant writing experience (except for postdoc fellowships).  My current
plan is to go back to school and get teaching credentials and teach high
school. Any advice?
This situation in regards to women leaking out of the pipeline is also
discussed in a more scholarly way in the latest issue of Science (the one
where the identification of a potential breast cancer gene is discussed).
Thanks for letting me flame.

Anne Rosenwald
arosen at helix.nih.gov

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