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Bill Lee leew at wadsworth.org
Mon Oct 17 07:15:38 EST 1994

In article <94282.190705RRI02 at wvnvm.wvnet.edu> <RRI02 at wvnvm.wvnet.edu> writes:
>Subject: fellowships
>From: <RRI02 at wvnvm.wvnet.edu>
>Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 19:07:05 EDT

>I am currently a third year biology major at West Virginia Universuty. Last sum
>mer I recieved the Howard Hughes Summer Fellowship for undergraduates, and I
>participated in research here at WVU. Currently I am searching for any fellowsh
>ips or internships available anywhere for the summer of '95.Any information wo
>uld be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Leslie M. Kidd
>rri02 at wvnvm.wvnet.edu

The department of Biomedical Sciences at the University at Albany (SUNY) 
School of Public Health has a strong summer research program.  This is an 
NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates where students work in the 
labs of investigators at New York's Wadsworth Center.  Topics encompass a 
broad range of interests ranging from structural biology to molecular 
genetic to immunology to electron microscopy.

Entrance into the program is competitive.  Students selected into the program 
do basic research for 10 weeks and participate in weekly discussions about 
issues faced by today' students/scientists.  The past summer's topics 
included: Scientific misconduct, Women in Science, Selecting and Applying to 
grad schools.

Support for the students include:  travel costs, room and board and stipend.

For more information, including an application, please contact Caitlin Reid by 
email:  reid at wadsworth.ph.albany.edu  or by phone (518) 473-7553.

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