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Career issue of Science

Laura Hyatt lhyatt at mail2.sas.upenn.edu
Mon Oct 17 16:00:27 EST 1994

In article <1994Oct17.205249.26699 at oxvaxd>,  <kkaye at vax.oxford.ac.uk> wrote:
>I would sign any non-flaming letter with an agreed text in re the latest issue
>of Science.
>Katherine J. Kaye
>kkaye at vax.ox.ac.uk

Likewise.  That special really got my goat.  I was also disappointed in 
the lack of discussion about what people are doing with PhD's BESIDES 
academia or industry -- good thinkers are valued everywhere.  It would be 
great to read about people who are professionally successful, have PhD's, 
aren't using the specific factual knowledge that the degree gave them, 
but are using the mental habits.  

Laura A. Hyatt
lhyatt at mail.sas.upenn.edu
Laura Hyatt
lhyatt at mail.sas.upenn.edu
Keep in mind the present you are constructing.  

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