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csack at ivory.trentu.ca csack at ivory.trentu.ca
Wed Oct 26 21:33:00 EST 1994

In article <1994Oct25.093458.13115 at ccc.amdahl.com>, jzp80 at ccc.amd wrote:.

>>vehement.  Especially the latter, coming from someone involved in 
>>education.  If your students could hear you now...

>So what? You are implying that you actually believe it is true. Without a 
>shred of evidence.  
>>I can understand people complaining about things like MAKE.MONEY.FAST, 
>So, - this is almost the same. The poster is advertising his/her 
>religion, nothing more. The 'public service' part was just to get
>your attention.
>Well I'm stunned that you seem to give it any credibility.
>Is this not true?  I am not from Britain, so I don't know.  Are you
trying to tell me that the guy is just blatantly lying?
I did say the religious part was weird, but if the issue is real,
then I agree that it would be serious.  
Are you, however, basing your doubt simply on the fact that the guy 
ended with a religious statement?
It might not be a reason to ignore his whole document.
BTW (by the way), I do read several other groups, and have never
before seen this post.  I believe you that it has appeared elsewhere,
and agree with you that it was inappropriate to post here, but
people seemed to jump a little hard on the silencing bandwagon.  Is
there something going on in Britain of which I am unaware?  Are 
people using social problems to advance the cause of scientology?

Still questioning the reaction,


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