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APSGM -- audio playback system for grave markers

Bruce Boggio APSGM at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 28 15:47:22 EST 1995

APSGM will provide the opportunity for recorded information to be 
permanently left at the grave site. Information will be provided by the 
deceased intended for the living or by the living telling the story or 
history of the deceased. The standard playback unit will be surface or 
recess mounted in the grave marker. Units will utilize nonvolatile flash 
memory\have no moving parts, a solar panel to recharge a battery system, 
and a weatherproof speaker to provide a permanent digitally recorded 
message of almost any length.  Units will come with a variety of 
options: multiple messages were one individual leaves different messages 
for different groups of listeners, secured messages that would require a 
code to access them, dated messages that will not play until a given 
date/time, and other options like oversized and second location solar 
panels, additional backup battery, varying speaker size and volume, etc. 
Units will come with a headphone jack for private listening that may 
replace the speaker all together in some cemeteries and applications. 
Basic playback units could utilize a galvanic response "ON" button which 
requires contact with human skin in order for them to work.  Other units 
will come with switches that will light when one waves his/her hand over 
the front of the unit.  Units can be marketed by a number of means, 
direct sales or as another option when we purchase a grave marker by 
those who currently sell them.  

I share the following with the hope of learning three things: if there 
is interest in it, to ask where you feel this might be helpful or 
harmful to society, and to ask what kinds of information you feel is 
appropriate to be left at the grave site.  A patent is forthcoming so 
please feel free to share this with those you think might like it or 
recognize a problem with it.  Thank you for your time.

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