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Raising a pop star

Drmarts drmarts at aol.com
Thu Jun 8 11:29:41 EST 1995

>>>I have a jr high age daughter who recently changed her career goals
from veterinarian to pop rock star for reasons of teenage perception of
what's desireable in the eyes of the opposite sex. 
Doing my best not to raise Madonna,<<<

Your mention of Madonna prompted me to think that one way to encourage
your daughter (and other girls her age) to continue to excel in school
regardless of their career goal of the moment is to point out how what
they're learning in school relates to that goal. Madonna is one hell of an
astute business woman, marketing wizz, and athlete (check out those
thighs!). So to succeed as a pop star you need to know math, psychology,
biology (exercise and nutrition), geography (gotta plan those tours), you
fill in the rest. My point is that it's not the career goal that matters
as much as encouraging our daughters (grandaughters, nieces, etc.) to
dream big, then figure out how to fulfill the dream.

Sherry Marts
American Health Assistance Foundation

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