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Request info from Baltimore MD readers

PAULA JEAN SCHLAX 608265 6233 richey%poly.DecNet at CHEM.WISC.EDU
Tue Jun 13 10:05:33 EST 1995

My husband and I will be starting postdocs in Sept (or late Aug. in
Baltimore. We've got an apt. in Mount Washington lined up, but
are starting the process (from afar) of trying to get information
on daycare providers near JHU's Homewood campus or in Mt. Washington. Our
child will be 12 or 13 months old when we need to get her set up.  Any specific
recommendations (or condemnations) would be very welcome.  I don't want
to waste the net time on this personal issue, so please email
me directly at RICHEY at BERT.CHEM.WISC.EDU.

Thanks in advance

Paula Schlax

PS I hope people aren't too upset that I'm using the net for this- I apologize
and appreciate your patience.

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