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graduate school

Karen Wheless wheless at sunchem.chem.uga.edu
Fri Jun 16 22:42:29 EST 1995

Another important part of graduate admissions is (as others have said) 
how well you "match up" with research interests in the department.  As I 
have seen in our chemistry department, if a professor comes across a 
student that he or she wants in their research group, that prof will push 
for the student's admission.  This advocacy is probably given more weight 
(at least at some schools) than GRE scores or even grades, or at the very 
least give you an edge.  So if you possibly can, visit the schools or 
write letters to professors you are interested in.  


        Karen Wheless              "Art is I, science is we."
 wheless at sunchem.chem.uga.edu              Claude Bernard

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