Please take a minute of your time to look at my childrens pictures. They were abducted by their mother
on April 17, 1998 and taken Orlando, Fl. to Montreal where they were last seen on July 30, 1998. I believe
they are in grave danger as their mother is very mentally ill. I'm not sure if they are even still alive but I pray
every day that they are somewhere safe. I believe that they are being hidden by a certain group of nuns
and they could have been relocated to anywhere. Please won't you help me? Pass this along to everyone
you know, all it will take is for this to reach the right person.
My Sincere Appreciation,
Paul Fedynich
Please look at this site.
Please make note that May 25th is Missing Children's Day
More information can be found on the links attached to my page
If this is a repeat email, please accept my apologies