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Missing messages?

S L Forsburg nospamforsburg at salk.edu
Tue May 18 13:02:46 EST 1999

> Evans Kelly L (4klt5 at qlink.queensu.ca)

> Dear Moderator,
> I sent a message about a week ago, but have yet to see it posted or any
> messages posted for that matter. What happened?
> Kelly.

There does appear to be a recurrent problem with timely posting of messages--
either feast or famine.  I'm glad it's not just me who is affected.  Is
there anything we can do?  I believe we are being auto-moderated and no
human is involved.  Perhaps someone at Bionet can clarify the procedure and

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S L Forsburg, PhD  forsburg at salk.edu
Molecular Biology and Virology Lab          
The Salk Institute, La Jolla CA 

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