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Doctoral Program Survey

Megan Igo megan at ucla.edu
Wed Apr 5 15:07:38 EST 2000

I got this from a friend, thought some here might be interested in this:

The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) is
pleased to announce the launch of:


The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS)
<http://survey.nagps.org/>, an assessment of educational and professional
development practices in doctoral programs in the U.S. and Canada.
The survey is funded by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
and is supported by a growing list of professional societies, graduate
institutions, doctoral programs, and student associations.

The survey will compile the experiences of doctoral students, present
and past (any time within the last five years) on a department-specific
basis to assess which programs are doing a great job of educating and
preparing Ph.D.s - and which need to improve.

Results will be made publicly available on the Internet in Fall 2000.
This is an important opportunity to give feedback to the academic
community on ways to improve the education and training of Ph.D.s.

The survey is anonymous, free, and takes just 15-20 minutes to complete

A high response rate is essential, so EVERY current and recent doctoral
student in the U.S. and Canada should fill it out.  Forward this message
to all your friends and colleagues.  Completing the survey only takes a
few minutes but can stimulate change in graduate education for years
to come.

If your graduate student association, department/program, or
graduate school/university is interested in publicizing the survey, please
visit <http://survey.nagps.org/resources/> for resources to assist you in
this endeavor.

We thank you for your assistance and participation in this important

The NAGPS Survey Team
The National Doctoral Program Survey
National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS)
E-mail: PhDSurvey at nagps.org
Web:    http://survey.nagps.org/

  This message sent | Help on the lists        nagps-help at nagps.org
  using the NAGPS   | Subscribe/remove/etc.    http://www.nagps.org/
  E-mail Server     | Reach NAGPS officers     nagps-officers at nagps.org
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