IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


Phoebe Rice phoebe at vger.niddk.nih.gov
Tue Aug 29 14:12:37 EST 1995

When "correcting" FOBS for anisotropy by applying the anisotropic
B-factors, only the Fs and not the sigmas are changed.  Is there a way
to apply the same scaling to sigma?  This means that applying a sigma
cutoff afterwards is meaningless.  Also, one can't compensate for
having scaled up the noise and down the signal by using some
sigma-based weighting scheme.
My B's in different directions are different by > 50, so this is not a
trivial concern.
Is there any hope that someday XPLOR will put the anisotropic B on the
atom side of the equation? (please please please please...)

Phoebe Rice
Phoebe at vger.niddk.nih.gov

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