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Low B-factors

F.E.Dodd fed at indigo7.dl.ac.uk
Wed Feb 21 09:32:23 EST 1996


I am currently refining a structure with 8 to 3A data.

I have processed the data using CCP4 and get a B-factor for the
data between 15 and 20 from "truncate", depending on the resolution 
ranges I use.

After one simulated annealing run, which yielded a R-work of 24%
and an R-free of 30%, I tried to do an overall B-factor refinement.
(i.e. one B-factor for the whole molecule)  Xplor refines the 
B-factor down to 2 and the says that it has converged.  

Can anyone tell me why I might be getting such a low B-factor
in the refinement and how I might go about spolving the problem?


 Fraser E. Dodd,
 CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory,     Telephone: +44 (0)1925 603625
 Daresbury, Warrington,                Fax: +44 (0)1925 603124
 Cheshire, WA4 4AD,
 U.K.                                E-mail: F.E.Dodd at dl.ac.uk

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