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DNA parameters..

Axel T. Brunger brunger at LAPLACE.CSB.YALE.EDU
Sun Mar 10 13:53:53 EST 1996

1. The parameters are in the tuorial/toppar section of our www site:
dna-rna.top and dna-rna.param (these parameters correspond
to the  Helen Berman Acta Cryst D paper).

2. Still working on the pre-release.

Axel Brunger

> Dear Dr Brunger,
>  I would like to ask you about two things. Firstly, I would
> be very grateful to you if you could tell me how to obtain the
> Engh and Huber parameters but for DNA. I did not find any indication
> on your www site. Secondly I would like to ask you whether the
> new version of XPLOR is released. I was a participant at the
> CSH course and you had shown us there the torsion angle refinement
> which I would like to use for my refinements.
>  I look forward to hearing from you.
>  Thanking you in advance,
>                         Panos Kanellopoulos
>                      EMBL Structural Biology Programme

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