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missing data in a refinement

Jiang Jiansheng jiang at LAPLACE.CSB.YALE.EDU
Mon Mar 18 11:31:23 EST 1996

> HI all,
> I am curious to know how XPLOR deals with missing data, in a reflection
> file, when a refinement is being performed. 


If data are missing in a reflection file for input, the missed data will 

not be performing in the refinement.

To check the missing data (or completeness), use "print completeness"
in the "xrefine" statement.

In order to obtain the missing data, one has to use "generate"
(see page 163 in the X-PLOR Manual version 3.1)
before reading a reflection file in the "xrefine" statement.
Then those missed data would be captured with |Fobs|=1.0
and take part in the feature performances.

Jiansheng Jiang.

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