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Rfree & Bijvoet pairs

Pierre LEGRAND legrand at ibs.fr
Tue Mar 19 07:37:24 EST 1996

Hi all,

   I have a question concerning the use of the Rfree test:
   Is there special care to take in the selection of the test/working
   reflections set, in the case of ANOMalous=TRUE?
   - I saw that, using normally the setup_r_free.inp input file,
     F+ and F- reflections can be selected in different set:
 INDE     9    4    7 FOBS=   429.080     0.000 SIGMA=     7.670 TEST=
 INDE     9    4   -7 FOBS=   426.950     0.000 SIGMA=     7.670 TEST=
 INDE    21   15    6 FOBS=   191.710     0.000 SIGMA=    29.970 TEST=
 INDE    21   15   -6 FOBS=   207.450     0.000 SIGMA=    29.970 TEST=

  - I don't think it is appropriate to consider that F+/F- reflection
    independent. My feeling is that, using it that way, the free Rfactor
    going to be artificially lowered.
  - Is it possible in X-PLOR to use the anomalous signal in a Fp,
DeltaFp way?
    (then the bijvoet pairs would not be separated).
Any suggestions or comments would be very gratefully received!
Thanks very much,
 ,_ o                   Pierre LEGRAND |  Tel : (33) 76 88 95 96   __ o
/  //\, IBS/LCCP 41 Avenue des Martyrs |  FAX : (33) 76 88 51 22  _`\<,
  \>> | 38027 Grenoble Cedex 1 FRANCE  |  mail: legrand at ibs.fr   ( )/( )
   \\,  _______________________________|_____________________________

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