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Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Move

Nancy O. Manning oeder at NOB.PDB.BNL.GOV
Mon Mar 25 00:35:29 EST 1996

During the month of April, the PDB will move to the Biology Department
of the Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Our mailing address will change

        Protein Data Bank
        Biology Department, Bldg. 463
        Brookhaven National Laboratory
        P.O. Box 5000
        Upton, NY 11973-5000

Recently our telephone exchange was changed from 282 to 344.  Our main
phone number is now 516-344-3629 and will be the same after the move.
Our e-mail addresses, FTP address (ftp.pdb.bnl.gov), and World Wide Web
Home Page URL (http://www.pdb.bnl.gov) will remain the same.

Further details will be forthcoming including the exact date and time
of the move.  We will try to make this move as transparent to our users
as possible; however, there may be brief periods when the PDB site will
be unavailable.

Thank you very much for your understanding.


 Nancy Oeder Manning                  Protein Data Bank
 oeder at bnl.gov                        Brookhaven National Laboratory
 (516) 344-5744 phone                 Chemistry Department, Bldg. 555
 (516) 344-5751 FAX                   P.O. Box 5000
                                      Upton, NY 11973-5000   USA

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