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conditional includes

Axel T. Brunger brunger at LAPLACE.CSB.YALE.EDU
Tue Jan 7 15:12:35 EST 1997

Use the @@ instead of the @ statement.  The only drawback is
that the file that is included must not contain any loop

  Axel Brunger

John D. Barton wrote:
> Is it possible to get X-PLOR (3.843 or later) to do conditional
> includes?  When I use code like
> eval ($count = 1)
> eval ($filename = "basename_" + encode ($count) + ".pdb")
> if ($count = 1) then
>     coor @first.pdb
> else
>     coor @$filename
> end if
> X-PLOR exits with a message that there is an "error opening file
> $filename" and "Error accessing file".  If I re-write it to take the
> variable reference out of the "else" portion of the conditional, I get
> the same problem (the files for later iterations are written later in
> the loop).  As an interim solution, I've removed the conditional and
> created a symbolic link from first.pdb to basename_1.pdb, but I would
> prefer a solution internal to X-PLOR.
> Thanks,
> John Barton
> --
> /|  John D. Barton
> \|  Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
> /|> Washington University School of Medicine
> \|> email: John.Barton at pobox.com

| Axel T. Brunger          Dept. Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry|
| Professor/Investigator   Bass Center, 266 Whitney Avenue            |
| Office: 203-432-6143     Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Yale Univ. |
| FAX:    203-432-6946     New Haven, CT 06520, USA.                  |
| http://xplor.csb.yale.edu/~brunger                                  |
| mailto://brunger@laplace.csb.yale.edu                               |

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