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Lennard-Jones potentials

David Lawson david.lawson at bbsrc.ac.uk
Wed Jan 22 09:41:48 EST 1997

Hi X-plorers,

Does anyone have the Lennard-Jones potentials for molybdenum and tungsten or 
at least know where I can find them. They are not in:




|~   \   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|     )   								   |
|    /    - - - - - -		Dr. Dave Lawson			 	   |
|    \   |  _ _ _     \		Nitrogen Fixation Laboratory,		   |
|      \/  (     )     \	John Innes Centre,			   |
|        J  \ N /  I    |	Norwich Research Park,			   |
|       _ _ _\ /_ _ _   |	Norwich NR4 7UH, UK			   |
|      (     /|\     )  /						   |
|       \ F / | \ L /  /	Email: David.Lawson at bbsrc.ac.uk	           |
|        \ /  C  \ /  /		Tel: +44 1603 456900  x2725 (direct dial)  |
|         ~   |   ~  /		     +44 1603 452571  x2725 (switchboard)  |
|                  (_ _		Fax: +44 1603 454970			   | 
|                      )    						   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   /   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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