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X-PLOR on Linux

Fri Jan 24 10:36:15 EST 1997

In article <5c5reg$n3j at news.ycc.yale.edu>, liudj0 at pantheon.yale.edu (David J. Liu) writes:
> I have been trying to run X-PLOR on a Linux machine and have found some
> inconsistancies in linux.c and linuxtime.s mostly incompatible interface
> between Fortran and C.  The Linux code was distributed with version 3.8
> and the system runs kernel 2.0 and GNU C and Fortran compiler gcc/g77
> 2.7.2 with recent libs (all from Slackware).  Has any one got X-PLOR to
> work with Linux, especially on a system similar to the above one?
	We have X-PLOR running under Linux (Slackware 96) but we had used the
f77 option (f2c+gcc). You have to change -O3 to -O2 in the compiling programs
and delete the static switch in the linking one. After some warnings, X-PLOR
was compiled and running.
	Hope it helps,

	Angel Gutierrez
      Angel Gutierrez Rodriguez             
     agr at sauron.quimica.uniovi.es       
            X-ray Group                      
 Dpto. de Quimica Fisica y Analitica          
       Universidad de Oviedo                 
      33006 Oviedo (Asturias)                   

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