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restart files

abonvin at igc.phys.chem.ethz.ch abonvin at igc.phys.chem.ethz.ch
Wed May 28 02:57:57 EST 1997

One more comment:

Usually the energies at restart will be pretty much identical, within
the precision with which you saved your coordinates and velocities.

The non-bonded pair update problem will show up at longer time scales.
Running a 500 ps simulation in one go, or from 10 ps pieces with
restart after each piece will give you different results.


| Dr. Alexandre Bonvin           | Phone: Int+41-1-632-5504              |
| Physical Chemistry, ETHZ       | Fax:   Int+41-1-632-1039              |
| Universitatstrasse 6           | Email: abonvin at igc.phys.chem.ethz.ch  |
| 8092 Zurich, Switzerland       | http://igc.chem.ethz.ch/abonvin       | 

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