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[APNetCast] Stealth Hosting & IM's in the Office

APNetCast Editor editor at apnetcast.com
Wed Aug 15 19:10:15 EST 2001

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            In This Issue...

              a.. Stealth Hosting: Low cost methods to improve your Web
site's search engine position.
              b.. Instant Messengers: One step beyond office email
              c.. Downloads: Free and Shareware files.

            Stealth Hosting Site Mirroring

            Web site owners can realize quick befits from web site domain
mirroring (AKA. stealth hosting) by registering a new .com, .net, or .org
domain utilizing stealth hosting services.

            How it works: Let's say your current Web site is at
http://www.yourdomain.com or http://www.provider.com/~yoursite. Next, you
register a new domain such as newdomain.com with stealth hosting. When
someone goes to www.newdomain.com they see your site and have access to all
of it's contents at your new domain name and never see the original domain
or Web site name.

            Benefit: When promoting your site to search engines, many web
servers report back the real domain name of the web site. The search engine
then checks to see if that site is already listed, and if it is, many deny
the site any additional listings. With a stealth hosting domain, the search
engine sees the www.newdomain.com host, and since it doesn't already exist,
includes the listings in the directory or listings.

            In addition, if your site is based on your provider's domain
name such as http://www.provider.com/~yoursite, it is more difficult for
people to remember, and if you're running a business, certainly doesn't look
professional. Stealth hosting eliminates the hosting providers domain and
the "/~yoursite" portions making your site easier to remember and quicker to
type into the browser address bar.

            DomRegNow.Com offers domain name registrations as well as
stealth hosting services for $15 each for each domain year.

            Instant Messenger in the Workplace

            Allowing the use of an IM or Instant Messenger utility in the
workplace has always caused a cause for concern since employees may tend to
abuse their privileges. However, there are many acceptable, and cost-savings
uses for them.

            One great benefit of IM's in our office is easy access of each
employee's status. Most IM applications allow the user to set their status
to whatever text they want, such as "Out to lunch" or "In staff meeting",
giving easy visual knowledge of each person's availability. Receptionists
can quickly respond to customers requests when calling for a specific person
at the company. It can also be used as a sort of "Pink Notes" messaging
system to notify someone of an incoming call, or message from a prospect or

            IM's also come in handy for customer support. We use them
extensively to directly communicate with our customers when they need
support for various issues. Clients have the ability to conveniently ask
available staff questions without ever having to call. For customers who
have only one phone line and need to be online while assisted, an IM is the
perfect tool for the job.

            One significant advantage of using an IM for customer support is
time savings. For simple issues and general questions, the time spent on an
IM conversation is approximately half that spent on the phone. Customers and
employees also tend to have shorter casual conversations as well.

            The four leading IM's can be downloaded at no charge online at:

            MSN Messenger Services: http://messenger.msn.com/
            Yahoo! Messenger: http://messenger.yahoo.com/
            AOL Instant Messenger: http://aim.aol.com/
            ICQ: http://web.icq.com/

            Freeware & Shareware Utilities:

            ZoneAlarm 2.6: Protect your computer from unwanted Internet
hackers. ZoneAlarm is a firewall utility you have to try out! It has earned
its reputation, so protect your computer the right way with ZoneAlarm.
            ZoneAlarm also offers a pro version of their software with many
enhanced features for $39.95. Click here to get it the freeware version or
purchase the Pro version.

            CPUKeys 3.01: CPUkeys is designed to hide in the depths of your
system, recording and monitoring every action that takes place on your
            You'll be able to control which programs can be used, when they
can be used, and you can also view the history of your system. All this is
done by the administrator of the system.

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