From:International Institute For Trade Relation promotion(ITRP)
No.7., 3rd Floor., Abbassi Building., Ferdosie Sq.
P.O.Box:11365/3963 Tehran Iran
Tel:0098 21 8833513-8842134-8833900
Fax:0098 21 8820697 & 8833796
Sub: Iran Import & Export Directory (Print & CD version)
Dear sir,
With pleasure you are informed that our new edition of above mentined
directory(Iran Golden key Directory)in more than 700 pages containing excess
to 10,000 Iranian companies with classification of 6,000 commodities/goods
and Services is available for sale with the price of 50.00 Sterling pounds only for
each copy print Version & 70.00 sterling pounds for CD-Rom Version & both 100.00 Sterling Pounds .
So,if your company interested enter to a Major big market and promote your
activities with Iranian companies ,please be kind enough to deposit fees
for each copy to our following account:
Bank Code:090126
Account Number:37956683
Holder Name account:Fazel Zohrabpour
Bank address: P.O.Box:382 prescot ST.
London -E1 8RP
And let's have its receipt with your full address.
We are looking forward for your reply.
With Best Regards
Fazel Zohrabpour
Managing Director
Note:Please when you send T/T to our account,send your Payment reciept to Fax number:0098 21 8820697.