The KIT They Want BANNED In all 50 STATES.
Why? Because these secrets were never intended to reach your eyes...
Get the facts on anyone!
Locate Missing Persons, find Lost Relatives, and obtain Addresses
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Get anyone's driving record!
Social security number!
Trace anyone by social security number!
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Unlisted phone numbers!
Get anyone's phone number with just a name even unlisted numbers!
Long lost friends, relatives, and a past lover who broke your heart!
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Dirty secrets!
Discover dirty secrets your in-laws don't want you to know!
Investigate anyone!
Use the sources that private investigators use (all on the Internet)
Learn how to get information on an ex-spouse that will help you
Win in court! (Dig up old skeletons)!
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Find out!
If you are being investigated!
Learn all about your mysterious neighbors! Find out what they
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People you work with!
Be astonished by what you'll learn about people you work with!
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Did he really graduate college? Find out!
Internet Spy and you!
THIS KIT will help you discover ANYTHING about anyone, with
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You will be shocked and amazed by the secrets that can be
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Get the KIT they're trying to ban! Before it's too late!
Only $25.00
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You can Know EVERYTHING about ANYONE with our Internet Spy and
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Phone Orders Call: 1-480-990-4463 ASK FOR EXT. 3
Fax Orders To: 1-413-235-6585
Name: ________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________
Email Address to Ship Orders to: _________________________________________________
In case we have problems with your email address provide your phone # with best time to call so we can get the program delivered:
Type Of Computer you have: ________________________________________
Account Number: ____________________________________
Exp. Date: ________________________
- - FAX SPECIAL - -IF ordered by FAX by March 20th receive the 2000 Online Resources Kit at no cost (PC's ONLY!
USA Information About: Computers, E-Commerce, free E-mail, Internet Resources, Magazines,
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Astrology, Employment, Government Web Sites, Legal, News Papers, Search Engines
DISCLAIMER: The seller of this powerful resource kit will not be
held responsible for how the purchaser chooses to use it's resources.
Thank you
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