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Help with obtaining/resurrecting x-plor/cns

Brent Segelke segelke1 at llnl.gov
Thu Mar 29 12:15:04 EST 2001

I think the "misunderstandings that were reported in an email recently" may
be a vague reference to the suggestion that CNS is a dieing program. It may
not have been explicitly stated in the "recent email" but it was implicit
that CNS would be dieing due to it's being commercialized. I suspect that
MSI will no longer distribute this for free to academic users, as Brunger
did, and I presume that the source will no longer be distributed. Perhaps
David will clarify these points.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-x-plor at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk [mailto:owner-x-plor at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk]On
Behalf Of David Edwards
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:49 PM
To: x-plor at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Subject: RE: Help with obtaining/resurrecting x-plor/cns

Dear All,

I would like to clarify the position of MSI regarding X-PLOR/CNS/CNX and to
clear up any misunderstandings that were reported in an email recently
posted to this list. MSI is strongly committed to the development and
enhancement of CNX.    As you may know, CNX is the result of the merger of
the code basis of X-PLOR 98/98.1 from MSI and CNS from Yale.  MSI has
continued to make regular releases of CNX with the first release CNX 2000
in early 2000, followed by the recently release of CNX 2000.1 For more
information about what was included in these releases please see the
following web page: http://www.msi.com/life/products/cnx/

We have developed these releases both through internal development efforts
and external collaborations. In addition, we are currently developing CNX
2001 which will include new functionality.  We expect CNX 2001 to be
released in Fall 2001.  CNX will extend further the functionality of CNS
and we will try to follow closely needs of crystallographic and NMR
community to develop new functionality in CNX according to these needs.

On MSI's website you can download a one-month trial of the current release
CNX 2000.1:  http://www.msi.com/download/cnx/cnx_download.html (Academic
users can obtain this downloadable version for a nominal fee).

MSI remains committed to developing and supporting CNX. If you have any
questions/concerns related to CNX, please feel free to contact me at
cnx at msi.com


David Edwards

David J. Edwards, Ph.D.                                 dje at msi.com
Senior Product Manager, Structural Proteomics   Tel: (858) 799 5374
Simulations & Modeling Product Division         Fax: (858) 458 0136
Molecular Simulations Inc.                              http://www.msi.com
9685 Scranton Road
San Diego, CA 92121-3752.



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