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POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS in Macromolecular Crystallography

Douglas Ohlendorf ohlen at dcdiff.med.umn.edu
Wed Jan 23 14:54:30 EST 2002

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Douglas
Ohlendorf at the University of Minnesota:

1. Structural genomics of Gram positive virulence. The primary foci are the
pathogenicity islands in Staphylococcus aureus. A number of the ORFs on
these islands have been expressed and crystallized. A secondary effort
centers on a biophysical/mutagenic analysis of known and putative toxins
Staph and Strep.

2.  Evolution of function in metalloenzymes. Here the principal targets are
the dioxygenases that cleave the aromatic rings of catechol derivatives in
the environment. This work combines structural and kinetic analysis of
designed and selected mutants some of which are being produced through
directed evolution.

Candidates must have a background in macromolecular crystallography.
Experience in protein purification and characterization is a plus.
Applicants must have a recent Ph.D. in biochemistry, chemistry, molecular
biology or a closely related field.

The laboratory is located in on the banks of the Mississippi River in the
Minneapolis campus (http://www.onestop.umn.edu/Access/QTVRmovies/index.html)
of the University of Minnesota. It is part of Kahlert Structural Biology
Laboratory and has state-of-the-art crystallographic facilities. Synchrotron
beam time is available at the ALS through the university's membership in the
Molecular Biology Consortium (http://www.mbc-als.org/). Outstanding
computational resources are available through the Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute (http://www.msi.umn.edu/) which maintains the Basic Sciences
Computing Laboratory (http://www.msi.umn.edu/bscl/hardware/) adjacent to the
Kahlert Structural Biology Laboratory.

Salary is highly competitive and is commensurate with experience. The
University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

For additional information or to make application contact:

Douglas H. Ohlendorf                                       Phone:
Professor                                                  FAX:
Dept. of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biophysics
Twin Cities Campus, University of Minnesota
ohlen at dcdiff.med.umn.edu
Lab web site:


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