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NSLS Beamtime Application Deadline is tomorrow!

Robert Sweet sweet at bnl.gov
Tue Jan 29 22:10:08 EST 2002

The deadline for applications for the NSLS's summer 2002 cycle is the end
of the NSLS working day (5PM EDT) on Thursday 31 January 2002. 

Six beamlines are available for macromolecular crystallographic data
collection through the NSLS General User Program: Beamlines X12-B, X12-C,
X26-C, X8-C, and X4-A, plus the wiggler beamline X25.  The new ADSC Q315
diffractometer system has been installed at X25
(http://www.px.nsls.bnl.gov/x25_info.html) to provide unprecedented
data-collection power. The new dipole beamline X6-A has begun testing and
should be coming on line soon.  The beamlines X12-B and X12-C are just
finishing major refurbishments.

  >>> This represents over 180 days of beam time, 30 of it on X25, <<<
  >>>       one of the most usable beamlines anywhere for PX.      <<<

CCD-Based detection systems, as well as sufficient computing power that
all data can be reduced on site (and often structures can be solved on
site as well) are available on all of these beamlines.

        >> There is an electronic submission form required. <<

Please access the web site: http://www.px.nsls.bnl.gov/ for information
about the beamlines, and forms and instructions for the submission of
beam-time proposals.  The deadline is very firm.  Read all of the
instructions carefully and submit early. 

Also, all who are not U.S. citizens should please read on the NSLS web
page the announcement about the "indices" checks (form IA-473)  that
must be made before a visit to BNL: 

Please take this opportunity also to apply for our hands-on data-
collection and structure-solving course:

A Research Resource Grant from the National Institutes of Health is
providing enhanced support for users to the NSLS.  Work is being done
under this grant to extend the state of the art in macromolecular
crystallography in both computing hardware and software, use of modern
detectors, application of multi-layer monochromators to provide hotter
beams, and multiple-beam phasing of protein structures. 

	Robert M. Sweet			E-Dress: sweet at bnl.gov
	Biology Dept.			Phones:
	Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.	*New*	631 344 3401  (Office)
	Upton, NY  11973	Area	631 344 5642  (Beamline at NSLS)
	U.S.A.			Code	631 344 3407  (Facsimile)


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