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Please apply to The BNL Course on Synchrotron Data Collection

Robert Sweet sweet at bnl.gov
Mon Jan 6 14:02:04 EST 2003

We are offering RapiData 2003, the fifth offering of our popular course:

   Rapid Data Collection and Structure Solving at the NSLS: A Practical
          Course in Macromolecular X-Ray Diffraction Measurement

The course will be held 6-11 April 2003.  Students could be at any level
from advanced undergraduate to full professor.  48 students will be
accepted; 24 will bring their own specimens for data collection.  Please
read the course description at http://www.px.nsls.bnl.gov/RapiData2003/
and find the application materials there. 

A New Feature this Year:  We will hold a short lecture course on the
fundamentals of crystallography for roughly five hours on Sunday 6 April.
The body of the RapiData course really requires that students have a
healthy knowledge of crystallography. For potential students who have some
experience but are shaky about fundamentals, this course will help.  There
will be no additional fee for the fundamentals course, but students will
have to pay for Saturday night accomodations, and food on Sunday morning
and noon.

	Robert M. Sweet			E-Dress: sweet at bnl.gov (that's L
	Biology Dept.			Phones:                    not 1)
	Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.	*New*	631 344 3401  (Office)
	Upton, NY  11973	Area	631 344 5642  (Beamline at NSLS)
	U.S.A.			Code	631 344 2741 or 3407  (Facsimile)


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