Hi there, I'm a biology student from the University of Copenhagen, I'm currently doing some lab work for my masters thesis. As a part of this I work a lot with PCR and primer-design. I order to make life easier I wrote a program that realigns a DNA alignment according to a peptide alignment, thereby improving the alignment in areas not too well conserved. I hope that my program will be of use to others as well. I'v attached the main program (ReAlign.exe) as well as a small program the fixed a mac->pc text conversion problem. Best regards Rasmus 'Raz' Wernersson. Email: RWer@novo.dk & RWernersso@stud.aki.ku.dk I have attached an updated version of my program 'ReAlign': Real110b.zip. This is a major improvement over the first released verion. Several serious bugs have been fixed and the program now automatically matces the DNA/peptide sequences by translation. I am working on a C version for DOS/Linux/FreeBSD/IRIX .. maybe also MacOS. Best Regards Rasmus 'Raz' Wernersson.