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Welcome to the home page of GeneDoc.

A Full Featured Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor, Analyser and Shading Utility for Windows.

The essentials of GeneDoc.

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Something more serious?

These links point to some write-ups meant for MicroBiologists. They serve to describe scientific features of GeneDoc, complete with references.

Why use GeneDoc?

GeneDoc: Analysis and Visualization of Genetic Variation.

GeneDoc's Similarity Groups.

GeneDoc's Percent Identity Plots.

GeneDoc's Superfamily Group features.

GeneDoc's Secondary Structure Features.

The HMS Beagle surfs into port and picks up a copy of GeneDoc.

GeneDoc is chosen as the the Web Pick of the Day at the popular BioMedNet 'webzine,' the HMS Beagle.

GeneDoc puts on 3D shades!

From GeneDoc to RasMol, applying alignment information to 3D graphics is easy and informative.

Check out the GeneDoc tutorial on how to do it!.

ASHI Sequences: the first site to use GeneDoc as an alignment viewer. Complete with instructions on how to configure your browser to have GeneDoc open the alignments directly from the web, alignments take a step forward in user convenience!!

EBI in UK is serving up Clustal created alignments with a Mime type. GeneDoc is listed as one of the viewers at this site.

EMBL's ALI_3D files converted to GeneDoc Format.

This set of files investigate Secondary Structure based alignments of protein SuperFamilies. The original files, created by the Argos Group at EMBL contain a great deal of information. These files were converted to GeneDoc format by the GeneDoc's author to assist in visualization of this data and to provide comprehensive examples of some advanced GeneDoc capabilities.

Look at this! New Chemical Properties mode Example.

A short paper complete with GeneDoc output and a really cool image created at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.

Leucine Rich Repeats from Porcine Ribonuclease Inhibitor.

Reciprocal Links.

Location of PSDB information.

Structural analysis of PDB data at its finest. GeneDoc hopes to be one of the first to support visualization of these very comprehensive secondary structure data files.

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