Michael D. Baron Ph.D. (michael.baron@bbsrc.ac.uk) Senior Research Scientist Institute for Animal Health Ash Road, Pirbright, Surrey, U.K. MACBOX v2 A Macintosh port of BOXSHADE BOXSHADE is a program for creating good-looking printouts from multiple aligned protein or DNA sequences. The program does no alignment by itself, it has to ta ke as input a file preprocessed by a multiple alignment program or a multiple fi le editor. Input: a set of aligned sequences in a GCG-type MSF file. If you have your align ment in another format, use ReadSeq, SeqPup, or SeqVu to convert it. Output: supported formats are PICT, PS, EPSF, RTF and plain ASCII files. The PIC T and ASCII outputs can also be displayed on the screen in their own windows. Th e shading/colouring can be by sequence conservation, similarity to a TmasterU se quence, or by residue type. Sequence names and numbering can be included as requ ired, as can a ruler line. The program can also calculate a similarity/identity matrix. Full documentation is included in the package, and the program has a built in He lp facility.