IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


Email address change!

mapmgr @ mcbio.med.buffalo.edu
has changed to
mapmgr @ roswellpark.org

kmanly @ mcbio.med.buffalo.edu
has changed to
kenneth.manly @ roswellpark.org

Web address change!

is now

The Map Manager family
of genetic mapping software

Map Manager QTX

Map Manager QT
Map Manager Classic

Map Manager Classic

Map Manager QT

Map Manager XP

Map Manager QTX

superseded by
Map Manager QT


superseded by
Map Manager QTX


Manly KF (1993) A Macintosh program for storage and analysis of experimental genetic mapping data. Mamm Genome 1, 123-126
Manly KF and Olson JM (1999) Overview of QTL mapping software and introduction to Map Manager QT. Mamm Genome 10, 327-334.
Mac OS only
Mac OS only
Windows and Mac OS
Windows and Mac OS
Mendelian traits
Mendelian traits
Quantitative traits
Radiation hybrid cell lines

Mendelian traits
Intercrosses with dominant markers

Mendelian traits
Quantitative traits
Intercrosses with dominant markers
Advanced backcross & intercross

Development and distribution of the Map Manager programs have been supported by subcontracts from NIH grant HG00330 from The Jackson Laboratory, by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation, and by NIH grant HG01656.

Papers which have cited Map Manager references:

sorted by author
sorted by journal

page maintained by Kenneth F. Manly
Roswell Park Cancer Institute

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