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Map Manager

Map Manager Classic
Map Manager QT
Map Manager XP

Map Manager is a program for a Macintosh personal computer which helps analyze the results of genetic mapping experiments using backcrosses, intercrosses, or recombinant inbred (RI) strains. It is a specialized database program which allows easy storage, retrieval, and display of information from such mapping experiments, but it also has tools for statistical analysis of the experimental results.

Map Manager was created and is maintained by Kenneth F. Manly , Robert Cudmore, Jr, and Greg Kohler in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. The development and distribution of Map Manager is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation and by a subcontract from The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Genome Informatics Project, which is funded by NIH grant HG00330.

Two new versions of Map Manager are under development.

Map Manager Classic was released on Friday August 11, 1995

This version is also known as Map Manager v2.6.5. It will continue to be supported for those who do not need the newer features of the programs above and for those running System 6.

Map Manager v2.6.4 was released on Friday June 30, 1995
Map Manager v2.6.3 was released on Friday April 15, 1995
Map Manager v2.6.2 was limited in public release.
Map Manager v2.6.1 was released on Friday January 6, 1995

Data Files and Data repositories for Map Manager


Map Manager originates from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
To contact the developers of Map Manager: mapmgr@mcbio.med.buffalo.edu

Map Manager / Ken Manly / mapmgr@mcbio.med.buffalo.edu

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