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Plasmid Maker Stack

The "Plasmid-Maker" serves as a database for genes and plasmids, as a computerized cloning lab, and draws plasmid maps.
Unfortunately my programming skills do not allow for a program which displays the maps (even less for one to edit the displayed map); the output are postscript files which can be and should be retouched with Adobe Illustrator. If you do not own the expensive Illustrator, use the shareware EPStoPICT to convert the Postscript output to an editable PICT file.

Each plasmid has its card with

"Beautify" sorts by position/begin and aligns with spaces (use after electronic "cloning").

The different functions of the stack are accessed via the pop-up menu "Action".

Problems, weak points, restrictions:

When the collection grows, the hierachical pop-up menu with the plasmid names grows to an unwieldy length. Remedy could be a subdivision into sub-submenus (maybe in a future version). At present the best is to split large collections into several smaller ones. The options to export and import are handy for that.
The program has no specific search mode (but Hypercard´s "Find..." can be used). More complex searches (presence/absence of genes, search for strain names, free text search) are available with my plasmid and strain collection program "Plasmid Collection" (also Hypercard, also freeware, also available from this server for 10x10 and for 8x8 format).
Producing print-ready plasmid maps would of course be much easier if the program could display the graphics and would allow to edit the picture, or if an overlapping of labels would be prevented when the Postscript file is produced. Unluckily, this is beyond my programming abilities (even Adobe needed several versions until editing graphics in the preview mode with Illustrator became possible :-).

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Last edited: May 3, 1996 by KaiFr

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